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Школа иностранных языков April на улице Розы Люксембург
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Школа иностранных языков April на улице Розы Люксембург: отзывы
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«Школа иностранных языков April на улице Розы Люксембург» находится в Екатеринбурге по адресу Розы Люксембург, 37, 2 этаж. Заведение находится в районе «Центральный». Сюда можно добраться собственным автомобилем, координаты для поиска на карте 56.8309, 60.6143. Также возможно доехать на метро (ближайшая станция «Геологическая»), от которого до «Школа иностранных языков April на улице Розы Люксембург» всего 800 метров. Это заведение входит в 1 категорию. Получить больше информации можно, воспользовавшись телефоном, сайтом.
У Школа иностранных языков April на улице Розы Люксембург адрес и телефон или часы работы компании указаны с ошибкой? Напишите нам!
Большинство хакеров в мире говорят на китайском языке, на втором месте находится русский язык, сообщил глава «Лаборатории Касперского» Евгений Касперский. Третьим распространенным языком является испанский-португальский, при этом Касперский подчеркнул, что речь идет о злоумышленниках из Латинской Америки, а не Испании. Украинские беженцы в Британии пожаловались на начальную школу из-за уроков русского языка. Они назвали «бестактным» школьный проект, который был разработан для обучения детей как украинскому, так и русскому языку. «В мире так много языков, и они выбирают русский прямо сейчас?» — возмутилась одна из матерей. Российский фигурист Петр Гуменник раскритиковал обучение в общеобразовательной школе. По словам россиянина, он не посещал школу. «А когда ходил, только хуже было, потому что я считаю, что ходить в обычную общеобразовательную школу вообще не стоит. Обучения там особо хорошего нет», — заявил Гуменник.Релевантные новости
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Транспортно-экспедиторская компания АРТЭК-Екатеринбург
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Автомастерская ИнженерингАвто, адрес
+79221814111 +73433614111, Крауля, 166а/3
Екатеринбургская Правовая Компания, телефон
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Компания Абак-таро
+79505637900 +79022555693, 8 Марта, 2, 1 офис
Учебный год давно начался, многие уже выбрали язык, школу, группу и удобное расписание. Но есть и те, кто еще не определился. April school объявляет дополнительный набор в группы. Старт занятий в начале ноября. Спешите!
Открыт набор в следующие группы:
Отделение «Центральное» (Малышева 12б, оф. 208)
Elementary УТРО Разговорный английский пн, чт 8:00—9:20 3200 руб./мес.
Pre-Intermediate Разговорный английский ср 19:50, сб 16:00 4000 руб./мес.
А1 Испанский Базовый испанский ср 18:10, сб 10:30 4000 руб./мес.
Intermediate to Advanced April speaking club вс 10:00—12:00 1600 руб./мес.
Отделение «Широкая речка» (Соболева, 19)
Beginner Базовый английский ср 19:50, пт 19:00 2000 руб./мес.
Elementary Разговорный английский пн, чт 19:50—21:10 2000 руб./мес.
Запись по телефону:
7 полезных советов по изучению английского:
Many people think you need to live in a foreign country, have a close foreign friend, or spend long nights with your head buried in a boring grammar book, to master English…In fact, you can become a very successful learner of English if you follow some basic rules.
1. Relax and enjoy speaking
When you use English, don’t worry about making mistakes. The chances are you will always make small mistakes when speaking a foreign language. The important thing is to learn from the errors you make. Babies don’t learn to walk without falling over a lot!
2. Learn about how you learn
Recent research has shown that many of us have a preferred way of learning. If you are a visual learner, you can link language to pictures and images. Watch films with subtitles, try to visualise yourself in imaginary situations speaking English, fix words with pictures in your mind If you have an auditory style, you have a ‘good ear’ for language and should listen to as much music as possible and watch movies in English. If you have an analytic style, then spend time studying grammar and comparing Vietnamese with English. A learner with an interactive style needs to spend as much time as possible speaking with others, discussing language and generally working in a team. A really good learner spends time on all these styles. Yet it is a sad fact that all over the world, many people are still taught in a traditional style that favours analytic and auditory learners.
3. Learn memory techniques
There are plenty of books on how to improve your memory. It is a skill that the successful learners I know take very seriously.
4. Immerse yourself
I once visited the home of a Spanish student who was actually quite a successful businessman. His house was littered with those small pieces of yellow paper called post-it notes! Every time he went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, to the bathroom to shave or used the remote control to change channel, he looked at those words. Again and again and again. Once the word was fixed in his mind, he put the paper into a file that he looked through at the end of the week. This way, he learnt 10 words a day, seven days a week. Read, listen and speak English at every opportunity! The best musicians and football players practise their skill over and over. The skill of communicating in a foreign language is the same.
5. Get Connected
I recently met someone who three times a week leaves her small village outside Hanoi, travels 1 hour on a motorbike and when she arrives at her destination, speaks in English for two hours to her friends in Britain, Australia and the US. Her destination? An Internet Café with voice chat facilities in the nearest small town. When I met her, she had never spoken to a foreigner face to face before, but after only two months of practising, she could hold a conversation with me in English.
The Internet has brought so many benefits to language learners. You can find great sites for practising grammar, vocabulary, listening, pronunciation and now, most importantly of all, speaking.
6. Learn Vocabulary systematically
Remember that learning English is not just about learning grammar. When we speak, we express most of our ideas through our choice of vocabulary, through collocations and fixed expressions. Think carefully about how you organise your notebook, don’t just write a long list of new words! Try to divide your notebook into sections. Here are some ideas…
subject pages; shopping, holidays, money verbs and nouns that go together; do your homework; make a cake expressions which use common words; overweight, to get over something, over the moon phrasal verbs; to grow up, to tell off, to look after fixed expressions; on the other hand, in my opinion, by the way idioms; once in a blue moon, to be over the moon, out of the blue expressions with prepositions; at night, at the weekend, in March, in 1988
7. Get motivated: don’t put off until tomorrow, what you can do today.
In London, I had a Thai friend who was attending university there, studying fashion design. Her English was excellent. She told me that when she was fifteen she decided that it was her dream to study fashion in the UK. She found out what IELTS score she needed and started studying right away. When she was nineteen and old enough to go, she was ready. Her early start was a smart move: when she returned to Thailand after a year, some of her friends were still studying English, waiting to go abroad to study. She is now fluent, well qualified and walked into a great job!
Дорогие друзья! С праздником! С Днём Победы!
Мира, добра и любви! ️
Полезное от April School
Confusing pairs of words “lose” and “loose”
“to lose” (the opposite of “to win” and “to find”) is an irregular verb in English: lose — lost – lost (терять, потерял, потерянный). Буква “s” дает в произношении звонкий звук “Z”.
“loose” (too big) is an adjective and usually refers to clothes (свободный, широкий (об одежде). Буква “s” дает глухой звук “S”.
Examples: I lose my house keys about once a week!
I recently lost weight and now all my trousers are too loose.